Participation in the 8th Festival of Children’s Traditional Ensembles On Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 11:30 a.m. the Social Center “STAVROS HALIORIS” had the pleasure of taking part in the 8th Festival of Children’s Traditional Ensembles...
Painting competition 2022 On Sunday 9-10-22, the painting competition took place in which the children of the employees of Thrace Plastics Group participated. The event was organized by the Employees’ Union in collaboration with the Social Center “STAVROS...
Road safety events Saturday, October 1st, 2022 a discussion was held successfully in the context of the action “What are you doing wrong inDriving?”, with the aim of informing the bodies involved in management of offending driving behavior and...
Painting Competition “It’s a joy to me” The Workers’ Union of Thrace Group, in collaboration with the “STAVROS HALIORIS” Social Center, invites the children of the workers to draw in their own unique way what gives them joy....
Road Safety Events WHAT DO YOU DO WRONG IN DRIVING? Road safety events The “STAVROS HALIORIS” Social Center, as part of its activities, hosts the ROAD SAFETY truck of the ECO RALLY ACROPOLIS, in an effort to raise driver awareness of proper driving...