“The Inspector” by the Adult Theatre Education Department of the Social Center “STAVROS HALIORIS” was presented on Saturday, June 15th, at Magiko. People started gathering early at the in the communal gathering area for the performance. Around...

26-5-24 End-of-Year Celebrations (Part A)

  On May 26th, as part of our Programs Closing Celebrations, the children’s voices of our choir, accompanied by our orchestra’s musicians, beautifully sang songs they had prepared throughout the year, warmly applauded by the audience! This was followed by...

1-6-24 End-of-Year Celebrations (Part B)

  Our celebrations at Magiko on June 1st unfolded into a unique party! The festivities began with our rhythmic gymnastics girls presenting wonderful choreographies, followed by traditional dances performed by our children’s department! Afterward, all children...