Christmas tales by the author Dimitra Pyrgeli

Christmas tales by the author Dimitra Pyrgeli Christmas is not possible without fairy tales! So today at the “STAVROS HALIORIS” Social Center we had the pleasure of listening to two fairy tales, as told to us in her own special way by their author, Mrs....

Painting contest 2022

Painting competition 2022 On Sunday 9-10-22, the painting competition took place in which the children of the employees of Thrace Plastics Group participated. The event was organized by the Employees’ Union in collaboration with the Social Center “STAVROS...

Road safety events

Road safety events  Saturday, October 1st, 2022 a discussion was held successfully  in the context of the action “What are you doing wrong inDriving?”, with the aim of informing the bodies involved in management of offending driving behavior and...